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 JUDAS PRIEST Guitarist K.K. Downing

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: JUDAS PRIEST Guitarist K.K. Downing   JUDAS PRIEST Guitarist K.K. Downing EmptyDim 18 Mai - 23:50

JUDAS PRIEST Guitarist K.K. Downing - "You Can Be An Overnight Success But You Can’t Be An Overnight Legend"

JUDAS PRIEST Guitarist K.K. Downing T89734 Classic Rock Revisited founder Jeb Wright recently caught up with JUDAS PRIEST guitarist K.K. Downing to discuss the band's new album, Nostradamus. The following is an excerpt from the interview.

Jeb: Musically, Glenn Tipton and you played a lot differently that you have in the past.

K.K.: "We have never played this much acoustic on a Judas Priest album. It was actually joyful to get our teeth into something like this from a musical point of view. We felt we had more licence to push the boundaries. We wondered if we could pull this off with mixing classical and metal. Rob said this, and I shuddered when I first heard him say it, he said, 'Judas Priest are going to do the first, in the history of Metal, the first ever Metal opera.' I am thinking, 'Wow, we had better get to work.'

Glenn and I had some of the very first synthesized guitars in the early ‘80's. We were able to create just about any sound we wanted by converting an analog signal to a midi signal. We pulled the old equipment out of the closet and there were a lot of pops and squeaks and we looked at each other and said, 'We had better fucking go get some new gear.' We have guitars now that are totally geared up and ready to go. Things moved on in the world of technology and we were able to use that technology to make choir sounds and orchestra sounds. The classical elements of Nostradamus’ time were now there.

We thought that this could give us a bit of longevity. We are all headed to our sixties, you know. We thought we would like to create a record that our fans could really sit down and listen to like we did in the old days. We wanted to give it that amount of intensity just like I did back with albums like Electric Ladyland. That album may not have been considered a concept album by a lot of people but it was sure as hell conceptual to me. It took me to another planet.

I think Glenn actually said this to me when we were in the studio. He said, 'I wonder that when people create these great albums if they know it is that great when they are doing it.' The chances are that I doubt they do, really. You don’t know until you put it out into the marketplace. I think timing is very important. I think some of the Judas Priest records we did were too early and some of them might have been too late. Painkiller may have been premature. Having said that it was a bit responsible for the new movement. We started touring with five tracks off that album and by the time we finished we were playing two. It was a bit of a hard sell, that album. When an album has been around for a decade then it becomes a classic. It is the same with a band. You don’t get to be a legend until you have been around for a million years. You can be an overnight success but you can’t be an overnight legend."

Go to this location for the complete interview.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: JUDAS PRIEST Guitarist K.K. Downing   JUDAS PRIEST Guitarist K.K. Downing EmptyVen 13 Juin - 1:11

JUDAS PRIEST Guitarist K.K. Downing 91398
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

JUDAS PRIEST Guitarist K.K. Downing Empty
MessageSujet: Re: JUDAS PRIEST Guitarist K.K. Downing   JUDAS PRIEST Guitarist K.K. Downing EmptyVen 13 Juin - 1:12

JUDAS PRIEST's K.K. Downing - "First Gig Was The Start We Wanted"

JUDAS PRIEST Guitarist K.K. Downing T91398 JUDAS PRIEST guitarist K.K. Downing has issued the following update:

"It is a fact that however much you rehearse for a world tour, there is nothing like having the first gig under your belt.

As most of you are aware Helsinki was the first stop for us on this very special tour and I can only say that we are much relieved that everything went according to plan and thanks to the fans who seemed to sing everything - even lead breaks and cheer throughout!

It is thanks to them that we felt our confidence brim over, which enabled us to pull out all of the stops that led to an incredible evening.

Needless to say straight after the gig it was right down to business with the Millworkers so all we had to do was find a good pub, a perfect way to end a great evening that was to be the launch of the Judas Priest, Nostradamus world tour!

Regards, K.K."

Judas Priest's tour schedule can be viewed at this location.
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