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 LIZZY BORDEN - photos gallery

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: LIZZY BORDEN - photos gallery   LIZZY BORDEN - photos gallery EmptyLun 5 Nov - 2:25

LIZZY BORDEN - Murderess Metal In New Jersey; Report, BW&BK Photo Gallery Available

LIZZY BORDEN - photos gallery T76902 The following report is courtesy of BW&BK scribe/photographer Mark Gromen:

The newfound LIZZY BORDEN band, with Ira Black (CHRIS CAFFERY/VICIOUS RUMORS) on lead guitar, along with Jack Frost (SEVEN WITCHES/ex-SAVATAGE/METALIUM), dropped by the new L'Amours location, on Staten Island on their three-date US East Coast jaunt. Sounding killer, the band ripped through old and new (including Appointment With The Devil material), in anticipation of spring '08 shows overseas, including Bang Your Head.

A BW&BK Photo Gallery can be found here.

(Photo by Mark Gromen)
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