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 GARY SCHUTT - New Single Available Online

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

GARY SCHUTT - New Single Available Online Empty
MessageSujet: GARY SCHUTT - New Single Available Online   GARY SCHUTT - New Single Available Online EmptyMer 7 Nov - 2:21

Guitarist GARY SCHUTT, known for his work with vocalist JEFF SCOTT SOTO, has updated his MySpace page with a stream of his new single, 'Black Cloud'. Check it out at this location.

Gary's new album, Loss 4 Words, will be available early in 2008 and will have numerous guests including Neal Schon (JOURNEY), Oz Fox (STRYPER), Bryan Beller (VAIR MULLMUZZLER), Jon Finn (JON FINN GROUP), Howie Simon (JSS, ALCATRAZZ) and Jeff Thal (BUMBLEFOOT).

Stay tuned for further updates.
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