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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: METALLICA   METALLICA EmptySam 5 Jan - 14:33

METALLICA's Metallica Remains #2 Best Selling Album Of The Soundscan Era


METALLICA's self-titled monster from 1991 is still the #2 best selling album of the SoundScan era. Metallica (the album) sold 258,000 units in 2007 to bring total sales to 15,077,000 and closing the gap between the #1 album - SHANIA TWAIN's Come On Over - by 372,000 units. If these percentages keep up, Metallica will overtake Come On Over during 2009.

The Top 10 albums of the SoundScan era as of close of business 2007 are:

1. Come On Over - Shania Twain (15,449,000)
2. Metallica - Metallica (15,077,000)
3. Jagged Little Pill - ALANIS MORISSETTE (14,557,000)
4. Millennium - BACKSTREET BOYS(12,099,000)
5. Soundtrack - Bodyguard (11,798,000)
6. Supernatural - SANTANA (11,643,000)
7. Human Clay - CREED (11,504,000)
8. No Strings Attached - N SYNC (11,104,000)
9. Beatles 1 - BEATLES (11,097,000)
10. Falling Into You - CELINE DION (10,768,000)

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