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 ALL THAT REMAINS "Hard At Work On A New Album"

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: ALL THAT REMAINS "Hard At Work On A New Album"   ALL THAT REMAINS "Hard At Work On A New Album" EmptySam 17 Mai - 13:24

ALL THAT REMAINS "Hard At Work On A New Album"

Massachusetts' ALL THAT REMAINS are hard at work on a new album due out this fall. An update from singer Phil Labonte follows:

"We're in Florida workin' on a new RECORD!!! The guys got here on Wednesday and we started pre pro. It didn't take long for the stuff to come together. Jason is a great producer and he has had some really great ideas that we tried out and all most every time they worked out wonderfully. It's looking like it's gonna be 11 new songs. We have a cover in the works but I'm not gonna let the cat out of the bag yet. Don't worry it's a pretty sweet song and it's not some song from the 80's like every other band does. It's a great song that never really got the attention it deserved. So yeah, 11 new ATR originals. Lots of em are kinda short. Which I like cause I have ADD so bad it's crazy. Some stuff is very different from anything we've done before. That makes me pretty happy. We don't wanna be the band that puts out the same disc two or three times in a row. There's some pretty rockin' stuff, some heavy stuff, LOTS of solos, and LOTS N LOTS of double bass. We like to keep Jason feeling like he's more of a marathon runner than playing the drums. So yeah, long n short of it the disc is coming together. Late August or early September it should be in stores n on iTunes. Get into it!"
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