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 BON JOVI Has Best Shot At 2008 Rock Hall ....

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

BON JOVI Has Best Shot At 2008 Rock Hall .... Empty
MessageSujet: BON JOVI Has Best Shot At 2008 Rock Hall ....   BON JOVI Has Best Shot At 2008 Rock Hall .... EmptyMer 10 Sep - 20:51

BON JOVI Has Best Shot At 2008 Rock Hall Of Fame Induction; SLAYER, RUSH "Marginal Prospects"

BON JOVI Has Best Shot At 2008 Rock Hall .... T96491 According to Ken Barnes from USA Today, The Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame nominating committee sits down today in New York to hash out nominees, the first step in the process that will elect the class of 2009. Leading prospects include BON JOVI and STEVIE RAY VAUGHAN. Marginal prospects include thrash legends SLAYER.

MSN senior music producer Sam Sutherland feels Bon Jovi has the inside track for induction. "They have just enough rock legitimacy among critics and sales power that it's hard to see skipping them," he says.

A number of perennial fan favorites long ignored by the Hall — RUSH, THE MOODY BLUES, CHICAGO — shouldn't raise their expectations, Sutherland says. Their disconnect with the critics and executives who dominate the nominating committee is still in strong effect.

Read more here.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: BON JOVI Has Best Shot At 2008 Rock Hall ....   BON JOVI Has Best Shot At 2008 Rock Hall .... EmptyMer 10 Sep - 20:51

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